New cold block for Swiss Brewery Falken

New installation of cold block Gär-, maturation and bright beer cellar, yeast plant and filter.

New green-field brewery with capacity of 250.000 hl in Vietnam, Asia

LP Project Service supplied, installed and automated complete brewery from malt reception up to bright beer cellar including all plants for utilities (cooling, compressed air, CO2 plant and water treatment). Turn-key!

Expansion of a big brewery in South east Asia

Expansion of a brewery up to an annual capacity of more than 8.000.000 hl Beer. LP Project Service supplied and installed the entire process in the areas of fermenting and storage cellar, bright beer cellar as well as new filter line and CIP plants.

Green-field project in South Germany

Design and construction of a new brewery with an annual capacity of 3.000.000 hl Bier. LP Project Service supplied, installed and automated the complete cold-block in multiple phases. 36 Unitanks and 12 BBT's, as well as 2 CIP Plants have been installed. Further a new yeast- and yeast propagation plant was installed.


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